I love Hong Kong, the diversity, the food, the shopping and much more. It’s a place that I usually stay for a short time each year of my life and I think this is the reason for finding it exotic.The culture is so different, from the etiquette to how the people behave. I have only lived in Germany and England but do feel at home there. It is may be because I feel like I belong to one of the people but still the culture barrier may differentiate me.

The locals can tell us apart, it could be the accent or the way I’m dressed. I do feel that Hong Kong people are fashionable, following the latest trend. I hope I can live around the world and experience all the cultures and the beauty of it.But I have to point out that over the years, it seems that Hong Kong has westernised a lot, major international labels are infiltering places, I wonder how long it is till there are Tescos there as well.

I love how Hong Kong uses Octopus card for multi purposes, such as you can access most transport type with this card and paying for all the groceries like at 7-11s or major retailers.

I still love the Oyster card though when I’m round and about in London. But I don’t understand why those sort of cards are named after seafoods, Octopus and Oyster, now maybe London and Hong Kong has something in common to share.

Bakery in Element, Das Güte which means the good in german. It sells a selection of German traditional bread like the Pretzel, which I always used to eat when I was young. Apart from that it sells Hong Kong type of spongy soft bread and dessert.

Olympic city II for the win, everything is at the fingertips, they have all the essential shops attached to the apartments and also the health club with gym and transport links directly underneath that is the MTR station and taxi/mini buses.

So much food in Hong Kong, you can’t find any of those UK’s Oriental takeaway food though for some reason.

The shopping is immense, a lot to choose from. This photo was taken during off peak time, shopping in the morning is less of an hassle when everyone is at work but you’re on holiday.

The shops are open late in the morning till around 12pm in the evening and this is one of the main difference when all the shops closes at 5pm or so in UK and you wanna go shopping after work. But no worries, Tescos are open 24/7 most of the times.

Mong Kok shopping has a lot to offer, many cute and cheap things that you don’t even need but want to own.

We went on one of those boat trip and went on a banana towed by a speed boat. I went on it as well and all of us fell off at some point, after a while it’s alright when you know how to balance and control. It was hard to get back on when you fall and hit the salty water at millions miles per hour.


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