Golden charms that I’ve designed for Fiesta Jewelry, check out their luxurious boutique. This is the exclusive ‘Love’ edition. These lovely charms comes in satin velvet.

1. Heart locket with wings – Symbolizes love, freedom to love

2. Love key – Love is forever, just like a lock and key are made for each other.

3. Button with bow ribbon – Do you still remember how mum does many things for us like dressing in bow ribbons, repairing clothes and all the knick knacks?

4. Starfish – Who saves us during trying times? It’s the infinite divine love, guidance, vigilance, inspiration, brilliance and intuition that we all need.

* A set of 4 charms on a luxury velvet strap which can be used as a necklace, bracelet and/or handbag charms.

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