I have been to many Christian Conferences camps before, sometimes having to ask for information and details on where and when they are and so hence I have compiled this list of Conferences Camps available. I have attended majority on this list and can tell you that going to these conference camps have helped me gained insightful experiences and enable me to know God more.

Christian Conferences are a great platform for Christian fellowships across the UK to support each other through bible studies, inspirational talks, workshops, worship sessions, group discussions, praying and sharing testimonies together and social time!

It is a fantastic opportunity to meet other people from other cities and talk about your own faith and theirs as many people attend each year from all age groups and nationalities!

Applications will be available nearer to the time, meanwhile put it in your diary. Early bird rate will be available earlier.

1 SEEC CAMP (South England Easter Conference)

To set aside time to focus and meditate on the Meaning of Easter (Christ's suffering, death and resurrection).

2 NEEC CAMP (North England Easter Conference)

Find out the Meaning of Easter and be inspired. There is a yNEEC which is the youth version.

3 MEC CAMP (Midlands Easter Conference)

For people who live in Midlands, come to join other Christians to celebrate Easter.

4 PHAT CAMP (Praise Him All Together) for Youth & Leaders

Come to worship, to know and to learn about God, to encounter Him and experience Him and learn to be an effective witness for Christ.

Other aspects of ministry such as leadership training with the whole aim of equipping leaders for the work of the ministry in their local church is available too.


LiFEgame is a creative simulation game of life that seeks to provide an environment for participants to discover God’s purposes for their lives in this world. This is one of a kind of camp that is interactive and thought provoking.

6 GOSPEL GAME CAMP (spin off Life Game)

For those who have been to Life Game before and want more experiences, this practical game simulation can help you put in practice your skills. There is also Church Game available for those who are interested in building churches.


This is for English Speaking University students to hear about God and learn more about him.

8 i92 CONFERENCE (Isaiah 9:2)

''Neuertheless the people that have dwelt in darkness, shall see a great light. As for them that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them shall the light shine.’' Isaiah 9:2


Get to know the bible better and find out how you can become closer to God by reading his words.


A taster of how missionary can change and help others in the world. Be brave and do more.



A mission group that allows volunteers to have the opportunities to serve oversea on different projects.


Some churches have their own internal camps and conferences which you can join. Also can join some short courses for more insights.

Thank you God and thank you to all the volunteers throughout the world helping and building the kingdom of God. Volunteers are always welcome, just ask :)

If anyone wants to add to this list, just email me on my website form or send me a message on any social media platform.

Also remember to invite someone you know today, you never know, it might change their destiny in life.

‘’Go therefore and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things, whatsoever I commanded you. And lo, I am with you alway even until the end of the world.’’ Matthew 28:19-20
Tweets by @Giselalee